Many dynasties emerged in ancient India. Many of these dynasties ruled for a long time.
In today's article, we have given information about the dynasties of ancient India, their founders, last rulers, and their capitals. Along with this, some other information has also been given, that is important from the exam point of view.
Questions related to ancient Indian dynasties are asked in competitive examinations, hence this article is going to be very important for you.
Do you know what is Dynasty? "Dynasty refers to a succession of rulers who come from the same family, or can be traced back to a common ancestor. In a dynasty, the head of the family passes his power to another family member (often the eldest son) when he dies. When a new family takes control, a new dynasty begins".
Tribes of India l State Wise Complete List
Major Dynasties of India, their Founder, Capital and Last Ruler
List of ancient dynasties of India -
Dynasties of Magadha
The following dynasties ruled Magadha.
Brihadratha Dynasty
Founder: Brihadrath
Capital: Giriraj (Rajgir)
Last Ruler: King Ripunjay
- Jarasandha was the son of Brihadratha.
- King Rimpujaya was murdered by his Prime Minister Pulik and his son Pradyota established a new dynasty, Pradyota Dynasty.
Pradyot Dynasty
Founder: Pradyot
Last Ruler: Vartivardhana
- The last ruler Pradyota was dethroned by Bimbisara and he laid the foundation of the Haryanka dynasty.
Haryaka Dynasty (544 -413 BC)
Founder: Bimbisara
Capital: Rajgir
Last Ruler: Nagadasaka
- Bimbisara defeated Brahmadatta and annexed the Anga kingdom to Magadha.
- He established matrimonial relations with Koshala , Vaishali and Madra .
- He was the first Indian king who emphasized on the administrative system.
- He was a follower of Buddhism.
- Bimbisara was murdered by his son Ajatashatru .
- Ajatashatru's nickname was Kunik .
- Ajatashatru was murdered by his son Udayin .
- Udayin founded Pataligram (Pataliputra) and made it his capital.
- Ajatashatru and Udayin were followers of Jainism.
- Nagadakash , the last ruler of the Haryanka dynasty was murdered by his minister Shishunaga and he established the Shishunaga dynasty over Magadha.
Founder: Shishunaga
Capital: Vaishali
Last Ruler: Nandivardhan (Mahanadi)
- Shishunaga's son was Kalashoka who shifted the capital back from Vaishali to Pataliputra .
- During the reign of Kalashoka in 383 BC the Second Buddhist Council was organized in Vaishali.
- After destroying the Shishunaga dynasty, Mahapadmananda took over this region and established the Nanda dynasty.
Nanda Dynasty (345-322 BC)
Founder: Mahapadmananda
Capital: Pataliputra
Last Ruler: Dhanananda
- Mahapadmananda has been called “ Sarvakshatrantak ” meaning the destroyer of all Kshatriyas, “ Ugrasen ” meaning the owner of a huge army and “ Ekarat ” meaning the only emperor.
- He is known as "the first empire builder in Indian history" .
- During Dhanananda's reign, North-West India was invaded by Alexander in 326 BCE .
- Chandragupta Maurya defeated Dhanananda, the last ruler of the Nanda dynasty and dethroned him, who established a new dynasty, the Maurya Dynasty, over Magadha.
Maurya dynasty (322–185 BCE)
Founder: Chandragupta Maurya
Capital: Pataliputra
Last Ruler: Brihadratha
chandragupta maurya
- Chanakya (Vishnugupta/Kotlya) was the Prime Minister of Chandragupta Maurya.
- The book named Arthashastra is written by Chanakya which is related to politics.
- Chandragupta was a follower of Jainism. He learnt Jainism from Jain guru Bhadrabhahu .
- Chandragupta Maurya defeated Seleucus Nicator . This war was described by Appianus .
- He married his daughter Cornelia and as per the treaty terms, Kabul, Kandahar, Herat and Makran were given to Chandragupta
- The book named Indica was written by Megasthenes who was the ambassador of Seleucus Nicator.
- Chandragupta died by fasting in Shravanabelagola .
Shishunaga Dynasty (413–345 BCE)
- Alexander's father Philip was the ruler of Macedonia.
- Alexander was a disciple of Aristotle.
- Alexander started his campaign to conquer India in 326 BC.
- Alexander's commander was Seleucus Nicator .
- The Battle of Hydaspes or Jhelum (Vitasta) was fought between Alexander and Porus, the ruler of Punjab.
- Bindusara was the son of Chandragupta Maurya.
- It has been called Bhadrasar in Vayu Purana and Singhsen in Jain literature .
- The Greek writer called him Amitrochates (Amitraghata = destroyer of enemies").
- Bindusara was a follower of the Ajivak sect . The founder of the Ajivak sect was Makkhaliputra Gosal .
- King Antiochus I of Syria sent an ambassador named Dimachus to the court of Bindusara .
- During the reign of Bindusara, there were two rebellions in Takshila. To suppress them, Bindusara first sent Susima and later Ashoka.
- Ashoka was the son of Bindusara.
- At the time of his accession to the throne, Ashoka was the governor of Avanti .
- In the Puranas, Ashoka is called Ashokvardhana .
- Emperor Ashoka was initiated into Buddhism by Upa Gupta .
- King Philadelphus (Ptolemy II) of Egypt sent an ambassador named Dionysius to the court of Ashoka .
- According to the 13th inscription, Ashoka attacked Kalinga and captured its capital Tosali .
- Ashoka was the first to introduce inscriptions in India.
- Brahmi, Kharosthi, Greek and Aramaic languages have been used in Ashoka's inscriptions.
- Ashoka's inscriptions were first discovered by Padretti Fenthal in 1750 .
- James Prinsep was the first to succeed in reading Ashoka's inscriptions.
- The number of Ashoka's rock edicts is 14 and the number of pillar inscriptions is 7.
- The Kaushambi inscription is also known as the "Queen's Inscription".
- The 7th inscription of Ashoka is the longest l
- The shortest inscription was Rummidei.
- The last ruler of the Maurya dynasty was Brihadratha who was murdered by his general Pushyamitra Sunga who established the Sunga dynasty over Magadha.
The Geography of India - Size and Location
Shunga Dynasty (185 – 73 BC)
Founder: Pushyamitra Shunga
Capital: Vidisha
Last Ruler: Devabhuti
- Pushyamitra Shunga faced the attack of the Yavanas and defeated the Indo-Greek ruler Menander.
- The Shunga dynasty kings were followers of Brahmin religion
- Bharhut Stupa was built by Pushyamitra Shunga.
- The last ruler of the Shunga dynasty, Devabhuti, was removed from the throne of Magadha by his secretary Vasudeva Kanva in 73 BC, and the Kanva dynasty was established.
Kanva Dynasty (73 – 28 BC)
Founder: Vasudev
Capital: Pataliputra
Last Ruler: Susharma
- After killing the last ruler Susharma , Simuka founded the Satavahana dynasty.
Satavahana Dynasty (60 BC – 220 AD)
Founder: Shimuk
Capital: Establishments
Final Ruler: Pulmavi IV
- Also known as Andhra Dynasty and Andhra-Satavahana Dynasty.
- The caves of Ajanta and Ellora were built by the Satavahana dynasty.
- Hal and Gunadya were famous writers during the time of the Satvahan rulers. Hal wrote the book Gatha Saptashati and Gunadya wrote the book Brihat Katha.
- The Satavahana kings minted coins of silver, copper, lead, poteen, and bronze.
- The practice of giving 'land donations' to Brahmins was first started by the Satavahana kings, which is mentioned in the Nanaghat inscription.
- The official language of the Satavahanas was Sanskrit and Prakrit which were written in Brahmi script.
- Amaravati art developed during the time of Satavahanas.
- The Satavahana rulers acted as a bridge between North and South India.
Greek Kingdoms in India
The order of the foreign invaders who attacked India is as follows - Indo-Greeks, Shakas, Pallavas and Kushanas.
Indo-Greek rulers
Founder: Demetrius
Capital: Establishments
Last ruler: Strato III
- The first Yavana attack on India was done by Demetrius, the ruler of Bactria.
- It captured Afghanistan, Punjab and Sindh.
- He made Shakal (Sialkot) his capital.
- The most famous ruler was Menander. He took initiation into Buddhism from Nagasena.
- Menander's questions and Nagasena's answers are collected in a book called Milandapanho.
- The first gold coins in India were introduced by the Indo-Greeks.
- Hellenistic art is the gift of the Indo-Greeks; Gandhara art in India is its latest example.
Saka dynasty
Founder: Moa
Capital: Takshashila
Last Ruler: Rudrasimha III
- The most powerful of the Shakas was Rudradaman I.
- Rudradaman I is known as a reformer of Sanskrit arts and literature.
- He was also the first ruler to issue a lengthy inscription (the Girnar Inscription) written in Sanskrit ; previous true inscriptions were usually written in Prakrit languages.
- His most famous contribution is the restoration work of the Sudarshan Lake located in Kathiawar district, built by Chandragupta Maurya .
- Ultimately, Chandragupta II of the Gupta Empire defeated the Shaka ruler Rudrasimha III and ended the reign of the Shakas.
- In 58 BC, to commemorate the victory over the Shakas, a new era named Vikram Samvat was started.
National Symbols of India: Flag, Anthem, Animal, Bird
Kushan Dynasty
Founder: Kujul Kadphises
Capital: Purushpur/Peswar
Last Ruler: Vasudeva
- The greatest king of the Kushan dynasty was "Kanishka" who started the "Shaka Samvat" in 78 AD which is used by the Government of India.
- Mathura was the second capital of the Kushans .
- Kanishka was a follower of the Mahayana branch of Buddhism.
- Kushan rulers issued the purest gold coins.
- Charaka, Vasumitra, Ashwaghosh, and Nagarjuna etc. lived in the court of Kanishka.
- Charak has written Charak Samhita.
- Ashwaghosh composed Buddhacharita which is called the Ramayana of the Buddhists .
- Nagarjuna composed Madhyamika Sutra in which he gave the theory of relativity .
- Nagarjuna is called the Einstein of India.
- The standing statue of Buddha was created during the Kushana period.
- Gandhara and Mathura styles developed during the reign of Kanishka.
Sangam Age
- The period between approximately 300 BC and 300 AD is known as the Sangam period.
- In ancient times, three Sangams (gatherings of Tamil poets) were organized under the patronage of Pandya rulers. The literature compiled in these was called Sangam literature.
- The first Sangam was held in Madurai . This Sangam was presided over by Agastya . No literary text of this Sangam is available.
- The second Sangam was held at Kapatapuram . This Sangam was also presided over by Agastya . The only Tamil grammar book available from this Sangam is Tolkāppiyam , written by Tolkāppiyar .
- The third Sangam was also held in Madurai . This Sangam was also presided over by Nakkirar. Most of the texts of this Sangam were destroyed. Some of these materials are available in the form of group texts or epics.
- Sangam literature is mainly written in Tamil language. The major works of the Sangam era include Kural of Thiruvalluvar, Shilpadikaram of Ilang, Manimekalai of Sitalaisattanar, Jivakchintamani of Tiruttakka Devar, Tolkappiyam of Tolkappiyam and Tirukural of Thiruvalluvar.
- From Sangam literature we get details of the rulers of three kingdoms of Tamil region, Chola, Chera and Pandya. Out of these, the most powerful kingdom was that of Cholas.
- The Chola kingdom was located in the north-east, the Chera kingdom in the south-west and the Pandya kingdom in the southeast.
Rivers of India: Origin, Length, and Tributaries
Cher State
- The Chero kingdom was located around the present-day states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
- The capital of Chero was Vanji .
- The symbol of the Cheras was "bow and arrow" .
- The greatest king of the Cheras was Senguttavan (Senguttuvan).
Chola Kingdom
- The Chola territory covers the central and northern parts of present-day Tamil Nadu.
- The capital of the Cholas was Uraiyur (near Tiruchirapalli).
- He founded the city of Puhar or Kaveripattinam and shifted his capital from Uraipur to Kaveripattinam.
- Their symbol was the ‘tiger’ .
- The Cholas also had an efficient navy .
- The most glorious king of the Cholas was Karikala.
- Karikala defeated eleven kings including Pandya and Chera.
- Arikamedu was a major port of the Chola dynasty.
Pandya Kingdom
- The Pandyas ruled from Madurai .
- Korkai was their initial capital
- The symbol of the Pandya dynasty was 'fish' .
- Nedujhelian was the most powerful king of the Pandyas.
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Gupta Empire (240 AD–550 AD)
Founder: Shrigupta
Capital: Pataliputra
Last Ruler: Vishnugupta
- The Gupta period is considered the golden age of India .
- The first major emperor of the Gupta dynasty was Chandragupta I.
- Chandragupta established the Gupta era in 319–320 AD . There was a difference of 241 years between the Gupta era and the Shak era.
- After Chandragupta I, his son Samudragupta ascended the throne and defeated 9 rulers of Aryavarta and 11 rulers of Dakshinavarta. Due to these victories, he is called the Napoleon of India.Vincent Smith gave him the title of Napoleon.
- Harishena was the minister and court poet of Samudragupta. He composed the Prayag Prashasti Lekh.
- After Samudragupta, his son Chandragupta II ascended the throne. It was during his reign that the Chinese Buddhist traveller Fa Hien came.
- The period of Chandragupta II is called the golden age of art and literature.
- Chandragupta II issued silver coins to commemorate his victory over the Shakas.
- Scholars like Kalidasa and Dhanvantari lived in the court of Chandragupta II.
- Abhijnanashakuntalam written by Kalidas is the second Indian work which was translated into a European language. The first work which was translated into a European language is Bhagavad Gita.
- Dhanvantari is considered the father of Ayurveda.
- After Chandragupta II, his son Kumaragupta ascended the throne.
- Nalanda University was established during the reign of Kumar Gupta.
- During the time of Kumargupta, there was an attack by the Huns.
- Skandagupta defeated Pushyamitra.
- Skandagupta also renovated the Sudarshan Lake situated on Mount Girnar, built during the Mauryan period.
- The Gupta kings issued the largest number of gold coins.
- The first evidence of someone becoming a Sati is found in the Eran inscription of Bhanugupta.
- The Gupta rulers were followers of Vaishnavism. Vishnu's vehicle Garuda was the royal symbol of the Guptas.
- Panchtantra is considered to be the most popular book in the world which was written by Vishnu Sharma during the Gupta period.
- Aryabhatta wrote the book Aryabhattiyam and Surya Siddhanta .
- Varahamihir wrote the books Brihatsamhita and Panchasidvanta .
- Brahmagupta gave the theory of gravity .
- In the Gupta period, silver coins were called Rupyaka .
- The art of building temples was developed during the Gupta period.
- The play Mrichchhakatikam was written by Shudraka .
Vakataka Dynasty
Founder: Vindhyashakti
Last Ruler: Prithvisena II
- During the reign of Vindhyashakti's son Pravarsena, the Vakataka empire was divided into two branches - the Pradhan branch and the Basim branch.
- Chandragupta II got his daughter Prabhavati married to Rudrasena II.
Basim branch
Founder: Sarvasen
Last Ruler: Harishena
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Pushyabhuti or Vardhana dynasty (6th-7th century)
Founder: Prabhakarvardhan
Capital: Thaneshwar
Last Ruler: Harsha
- The founder of this dynasty was Prabhakarvardhan. He had two sons Rajyavardhan and Harshvardhan and a daughter Rajshri.
- Rajshri was married to the Maukhari king Grahavarma of Kannauj who was murdered by Devagupta, the ruler of Malwa.
- Devgupta was murdered by Rajyavardhan but the Gauda king Shashank treacherously murdered Rajyavardhan.
- Shashank had the Bodhi tree cut down .
- Harsha killed Shashank and took over Kannauj and made it his capital.
- The Chinese traveller Hieun Tsang came to India during the reign of Harsha.
- There was a war between Harsha and Pushyamitra Shunga on the banks of the Narmada river in which Harsha had to face defeat.
- Banabhatta was the court poet of Harsha who composed Kadambari and Harshacharita .
- In Harshcharit, the word Lokpal has been used for the provincial ruler.
- Harsha composed three Sanskrit plays named Priyadarshini , Ratnavali and Nagananda .
Dynasties of South India
Pallava dynasty (2nd century–9th century AD)
Founder: Singhvishnu
Capital: Kanchi (Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu)
Last Ruler: Kamp Varma
- The Adi Varaha temple in Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram) was built for Simha Vishnu.
- Bharavi, author of Kiratarjuniyam , lived in the court of Simhavishnu.
- After Simhavishnu, Mahendravarman ascended the throne who composed Matvilas Prahasana.
- Narasimha Varman I built the monolithic temples called Rathas at Mahabalipuram.
- The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visited Kanchi during the reign of Narasimha Varman I.
- The Arabs invaded during the reign of Narasimha Varman II.
- Narasimha Varman II built the Kailashnatha temple in Kanchi, also known as the Rajasiddeshwara temple. The construction of this temple marked the beginning of Dravidian architecture.
- The Shore Temple at Mahabalipuram was also built by Narasimha Varman II.
- Dandi, author of Daśakumāracaritam , lived in the court of Narasimha Varman II.
- The Vaishnava saint Tirumalai Alvar was a contemporary of Nandivarman.
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Chola dynasty (300 BC–1279)
Founder: Vijayalaya
Capital: Thanjavur (Tanjay)
Last Ruler: Rajendra III
- The independent kingdom of Cholas was established by Aditya I.
- Aditya I assumed the title of Kodandaram to commemorate his victory over the Pallavas.
- The Chola ruler Paratang I was defeated by the Rashtrakuta emperor Krishna III.
- Rajaraja I built the Rajarajesvara temple in Thanjavur .
- Rajaraja I invaded Sri Lanka.
- The Chola Empire expanded the most during the reign of Rajendra I.
- Rajendra I defeated Mahipala, the Pala ruler of Bengal, and assumed the title of Gangakodchola.
- Mahmud Ghazni was a contemporary of Rajendra I.
- Local self-government was the main feature of the Chola Empire.
- During the Chola period gold coins were called Kalanju .
- Kaveripattinam was an important port of the Chola Empire.
- The worshippers of Vishnu were called Alvars and the worshippers of Shiva were called Nayanars .
- Percy Brown considered the vimana of the Brihadeshwara Temple of Thanjavur as the benchmark of Indian architecture.
- Chola bronze statues are considered among the finest in the world.
- The Nataraja statue of the Chola period has been called the cultural essence or gist of the Chola period.
Chalukya dynasty (Kalyani)
Founder: Tailp II
Capital: Manikhet
Last ruler:
- Someshwar shifted the capital from Manyakheta to Kalyani.
- The most glorious ruler of this dynasty was Vikramaditya VI.
- Vihalan and Vigyaneshwar lived in the court of Vikramaditya VI.
- Vihalan composed Vikramankadevacharita and Vigyaneshwar composed Mitakshara .
Chalukya dynasty (Vataapi)
Founder: Jai Singh
Capital: Vatapi
Last Ruler: Kirtivarman II
- Pulakeshin II, the ruler of this dynasty defeated Harshavardhana .
- Pulakeshin II was defeated by Narasimhavarman I.
- The Aihole inscription related to Pulakeshin II was composed by Ravikirti .
- Aihole is called the city of temples.
- The last ruler of this dynasty Kirtivarman II was defeated by his vassal Dantidurga , who founded the Rashtrakuta dynasty.
Chalukya dynasty (Bengi)
Founder: Vishnuvardhan
Capital: Bangui
Last ruler:
Rashtrakuta dynasty (735–982)
Founder: Dantidurga
Capital: Manikhet
Last Ruler: Krishna III
- Krishna I (c. 756 to 773) built the rock-cut Kailash temple at Ellora.
- Dhruva was the first ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty who participated in the tripartite struggle to capture Kannauj and defeated the Pala king Dharmapala and the Pratihara king Vatsaraja.
- Govind III took part in the tripartite conflict and defeated the Pratihara ruler Nagabhata II and Chakrayudha and his guardian Dharmapala.
- Amoghavarsha composed some sections of the oldest known Kannada poem 'Kavirajamarga'.
- In the court of Amoghavarsha lived Jinsen, the author of Adipuran and Trisashtilakshana Mahapuran, Mahaveeracharya, the author of Ganitasaar and Saktyana, the author of Amoghavritti.
- Arab resident Al Masoodi came to India during the reign of Indra III.
- Ponna, a Kannada poet who composed Shanti Purana, lived in the court of the last Rashtrakuta ruler Krishna III.
- Ellora and Ajanta cave temples were built during the reign of Rashtrakutas.
- The Elora caves were first described by the French traveller Thevenet in the 17th century.
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Yadav Dynasty
Founder: Bhillam V
Capital: Devagiri
Last Ruler: Ramachandra
- Ramchandra surrendered to Allauddin's commander Malik Kafur.
Hoysala Dynasty
Founder: Vishnuvardhan
Capital: Dwarsamudr
Last Ruler: Ballal III
- The Hoysala dynasty was a branch of the Yadav dynasty.
- Ballal III was defeated by Malik Kafur.
Kadamba dynasty
Founder: Mayur Sharman
Capital: Vanavasi
Last Ruler: Ajayvarman
Ganga Dynasty
Founder: Vajrahast
Capital: Kuvalal (Talakad)
Last Ruler: Ballal III
Kakatiya dynasty
Founder: Bita I
Capital: Amkond
Last Ruler: Pratap Rudra
Border dynasties
Pala Dynasty (750-1174 AD)
Founder: Gopal
Capital: Munger
Last Ruler: Govindpal
- Gopal founded the Odantapuri University.
- The greatest ruler of the Pala dynasty was Dharmapala who founded the Vikramshila University.
- The famous Buddhist monastery of Odantapuri was built by Devpal.
Sen dynasty
Founder: Samanta Sen
Capital: Nadia (Lucknow)
Last Ruler: Lakshman Sen (Last glorious king)
- Sen ruler Ballal Sen composed the books named Danasagar and Adbhut Sagar.
- In the court of Lakshman Sen lived Jaydev, the author of Geetagovind,Dhoyi, the author of Pavandoot, and Halayuddha, the author of Brahmanasarvasva.
- The Sen dynasty was the first dynasty to have its inscriptions engraved in Hindi.
- Lakshman Sen was the last Hindu ruler of Bengal.
Dynasties of Kashmir
Karkot dynasty
Founder: Durlabvardhan
Capital: Parihaspur
Last Ruler: Utpalapida
- Hiuen Tsang visited Kashmir during the reign of Durlabhvardhana.
- The most glorious king of this dynasty was Lalitaditya Muktapida who built the Martand temple in Kashmir.
Utpala dynasty
Founder: Avantivarman
Capital: Avantipur
Final Ruler: Didda
- The city named Avantipur was founded by Avantivarman .
Lohar dynasty
Founder: Sangramraj
Capital: Srinagar
Last Ruler: Jai Singh
- Harsha, the ruler of the Lohar dynasty, was a great poet and knew many languages.
- Rajatarangini is a Sanskrit text written by Kalhan.
- Kalhan was the court poet of Harsha.
Indian Currency
Rajput Dynasties
Gurjar Pratihara Dynasty
Founder: Nagabhatta I
Capital: Kannauj
Last Ruler: Yashpal
- The Pratihara ruler Nagabhatta II was defeated by the Rashtrakuta ruler Govinda III.
- The most glorious king of this dynasty was Mihirbhoj .
- The city of Delhi was founded by Tomar king Anangpal in the middle of the 11th century.
Gahadavala dynasty
Founder: Chandradev
Capital: Varanasi
Last Ruler: Jaichand
- The most glorious king of this dynasty was Govindchand whose minister Lakshmidhar wrote a book called Krityakalpataru .
- Prithviraj III kidnapped Sanyogita, daughter of Jaichand, the ruler of this dynasty, from a swayamvara.
- The battle of Chandawar was fought between Gauri and Jaichand in 1194 in which Jaichand was defeated.
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Chauhan Dynasty
Founder: Vasudev
Capital: Ahicchattra
Last Ruler: Hariraja
- Ajayraja II founded the city of Ajmer and made it his capital.
- Vigraharaj IV Bisaldev composed a drama called Harikeli .
- Somdev was the court poet of Vigraharaj IV who wrote the play Lalit Vigraharaj
- Adai Din Ka Jhopda was initially a school built by Vigraharaj IV .
- Chand Bardai was the court poet of Prithviraj III who composed Prithviraj Raso.
- The spire of the Jain temple of Ranthambore was built by Prithviraj III.
- The First Battle of Tarain was fought in 1191 between Prithviraj III and Gauri in which Gauri was defeated.
- The Second Battle of Tarain was fought in 1192 between Prithviraj III and Gauri in which Gauri was victorious.
- Prithviraj Vijay was written by Jayanak , Bisaldev Raso was written by Narpati Nalha , and Hammir Raso was written by Jodhraj .
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Parmar dynasty
Founder: Upendra Raj
Capital: Dhara Nagar
Last Ruler: Mahalakdev
- The most glorious king of this dynasty was King Bhoj who built a lake named Bhojpur in the south of Bhopal.
- The city called Bhojpur was founded by King Bhoj.
- The author of Naishadhiyacharita was Sriharsha, and the author of Prabandhachintamani was Merutanka.
- The author of Dasharupak was Dhananjay .
Chandela Dynasty
Founder: Nannuk
Capital: Kalinjar/Khajuraho
Last Ruler: Parmardi Dev
- The ancient name of Bundelkhand is Jejakabhukti.
- Dhang Dev shifted his capital from Kalinjar to Khajuraho.
- Dhang Dev built the Kandariya Mahadev temple in 999 AD .
- Prabodha Chandrodaya was written by Krishna Mishra, who lived in the court of Chandela ruler Kirtivarman.
- Two generals named Alha and Udal lived in the court of Parmardidev and lost their lives fighting with Prithviraj Chauhan.
- The last ruler Parmardidev had accepted the suzerainty of Qutubuddin Aibak, due to which he was murdered by his minister Ajaydev.
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Solanki dynasty/Chalukyas of Gujarat
Founder: Moolraj
Capital: Ahilwad
Last ruler: Bhima II
- Bhima-I's vassal Vimal Shah built the Dilwara Jain temples in Mount Abu, Rajasthan .
- During the time of Bhima-1, Mahmud Ghaznavi attacked the Somnath temple and looted it extensively.
- The famous Sun Temple of Modhera was built during the reign of Solanki rulers.
- The ruler of this dynasty, Mulraj II, defeated Muhammad Gauri.
- Qutubuddin Aibak defeated Bhima -2 .
- Bhima II's vassal Lavan Prasad founded the Baghel dynasty.
- Karna II of the Baghel dynasty was the last Hindu ruler of Gujarat. He faced the wrath of Allauddin Khilji.
Kalachuri/Chedi dynasty
Founder: Kokkala
Capital: Tripuri
Last ruler:
- The most glorious king of this dynasty was Gangeydev.
Sisodia dynasty
Founder: Rana Hammir
Capital: Chittor
Last ruler:
- Rana Kumbha built the Vijay Stambh in Chittor to commemorate his victory .
- In 1303, the Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji attacked Chittaurgarh .
- The Battle of Khatoli was fought in 1518 between Rana Sanga and Ibrahim Lodhi .
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