Given that v4096 = 64, the value of v4096 + v40.96 + v.004096 is ?
√4096 = 64, तो √4096 + √40.96 +√.004096 का मान है?
Answer D.
D.√4096 + √40.96 + √.004096
= √4096 + √4096/100 + √4096/1000000
=√4096 + √4096/10 + √4096/1000
= 64 + 64/10 + 64/1000
= 70.464
So the correct answer is option D.
D.√4096 + √40.96 + √.004096
= √4096 + √4096/100 + √4096/1000000
=√4096 + √4096/10 + √4096/1000
= 64 + 64/10 + 64/1000
= 70.464
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प D है।
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