What is the simplified value of sin^2 (90 – x) – [{sin(90 – x)sin x}/tan x]?
sin^2 (90 – x) – [{sin(90 – x)sin x}/tan x] का सरलीकृत मान क्या है?
Answer B.
B.sin^2 (90 – x) – [{sin(90 – x)sin x}/tan x]
cos^2 x -[{cos x * sin x}/cos x/sin x]
cos^2 x-[cos x*sin x*cos x/sin x]
cos^2 x-cos^2 x
So the correct answer is option B.
B.sin^2 (90 – x) – [{sin(90 – x)sin x}/tan x]
cos^2 x -[{cos x * sin x}/cos x/sin x]
cos^2 x-[cos x*sin x*cos x/sin x]
cos^2 x-cos^2 x
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प B है।
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