Simplify- (31/10) * (3/10) + (7/5) / 20
सरल कीजिए- (31/10) * (3/10) + (7/5) / 20
Answer B.
B.(31/10) * (3/10) + (7/5)÷20
=93/100 + 7/5 x 1/20
= 93/100 + 7/100
= 1
So the correct answer is option B.
B.(31/10) * (3/10) + (7/5)÷20
=93/100 + 7/5 x 1/20
= 93/100 + 7/100
= 1
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प B है।
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