If the cost price is 25% of the selling price. Then what is the profit percent?
यदि क्रय मूल्य विक्रय मूल्य का 25% है। फिर लाभ प्रतिशत क्या है?
Answer C.
C.Let the Selling price (S.P) = Rs. 100
Cost price is 25% of Selling price so the Cost price (C.P) = 100*25% = 100*25/100 = Rs. 25
Profit = 100-25 = Rs. 75
Profit% = (Profit/Cost price)*100
Profit% = (75/25) * 100 = 300%
So the correct answer is option C.
C.माना विक्रय मूल्य (S.P) = 100 रु
क्रय मूल्य विक्रय मूल्य का 25% है इसलिए क्रय मूल्य (C.P) = 100 * 25% = 100 * 25/100 = 25 रु
लाभ = 100-25 = 75 रु
लाभ% = (लाभ / क्रय मूल्य)*100
लाभ% = (75/25)*100 = 300%
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प C है।
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