What will be the value of 96 ÷ 2^3 x 3 + 8 = ?
96 ÷ 2^3 x 3 + 8 का मान क्या होगा ?
Answer C.
C.96 ÷ 2^3 x 3 + 8
96 ÷ 8 x 3 +8
= 12 x 3 + 8
= 36 + 8
= 44
So the value of 96 2^3 x 3 + 8 will be 44.
So the correct answer is option C.
C.96 ÷ 2^3 x 3 + 8
96 ÷ 8 x 3 +8
= 12 x 3 + 8
= 36 + 8
= 44
अतः 96 ÷ 2^3 x 3 + 8 का मान 44 होगा l
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प C है l
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