Two numbers B and C are respectively 15% and 32% less than a third number A. By what percentage is the number C less than the number B?
दो संख्याएं B व C, किसी तीसरी संख्या A से क्रमशः 15 % तथा 32 % कम है। संख्या B से संख्या C कितने प्रतिशत कम है?
Answer C.
C.Let the number A = 100
Have given -
B is 15% less than A then -
B = 100-15
B = 85
C is 32% less than A then -
C = 100-32
C = 68
Number C % less than B = (B-C/B)*100
= (85-68/85)*100
= (17/85)*100
= 100/5
= 20%
Hence number C is 20% less than number B.
So the correct answer is option C.
C.माना संख्या A = 100
दिया है -
B, A से 15 % कम है तब -
B = 100-15
B = 85
C, A से 32 % कम है तब -
C = 100-32
C = 68
B से संख्या C % कम = (B-C/B)*100
= (85-68/85)*100
= (17/85)*100
= 100/5
= 20%
अतः संख्या B से संख्या C, 20 % कम है।
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प C है।
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