If v3 = 1.732 and v2 = 1.414, the value of 1 / (v3 + v2) is ?
यदि √3 = 1.732 और √2 = 1.414, 1 / (√3 + √2) का मान है?
Answer A.
A.1 / (√3 + √2)
So the correct answer is option A.
A.1 / (√3 + √2)
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प A है।
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Anil shared 500 gifts among 4 kids. The share of the first kid, twice the share of second kid, thrice the share of third kid and four times the share of fourth kid are all equal. Find the sum of gifts received by 1st kid and 2nd kid.
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Answer A.
The number of girls in a class are 7 times the number of boys, which value can never be the of total students
एक कक्षा में लड़कियों की संख्या लड़कों की संख्या से 7 गुना है, जो कभी भी कुल छात्रों की संख्या नहीं हो सकती है l
Answer D.