If 1/N = ( v6 + v5)/( v6 - v5), then what is the value of N?
यदि 1/N = ( √6 + √5) / ( √6 - √5), तो N का मान क्या है?
Answer C.
C.1/N = ( √6 + √5) / ( √6 - √5)
N = ( √6 - √5) / ( √6 + √5)
N = [( √6 - √5) / ( √6 + √5)] * [( √6 - √5) / ( √6 - √5)]
N = ( √6 - √5)^2/6-5
N = 6+5-2 √6 √5
N = 11-2 √6 √5
N = 11-2 √30
So the correct answer is option C.
C.1/N = ( √6 + √5) / ( √6 - √5)
N = ( √6 - √5) / ( √6 + √5)
N = [( √6 - √5) / ( √6 + √5)] * [( √6 - √5) / ( √6 - √5)]
N = ( √6 - √5)^2/6-5
N = 6+5-2 √6 √5
N = 11-2 √6 √5
N = 11-2 √30
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प C है।
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