3 is what percent of 5?
3, 5 का कितना प्रतिशत है?
Answer B.
B.3 is what percent of 5
= (3/ 5)*100
= 300/5
Second method:
Let 3 is x % of 5 so -
x % of 5 = 3
x*5/100 = 3
X = 300/5
X = 60%
So 3 is 60% of 5.
So the correct answer is option B.
B.3, 5 का कितना प्रतिशत है
= (3/ 5)*100
= 300/5
दूसरी विधि:
माना कि 3, 5 का x% है -
5 का x% = 3
x*5/100 = 3
X = 300/5
X = 60%
अतः 3, 5 का 60% है।
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प B है।
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Answer C.
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Answer A.
40% of 75 + 80% of 25 = K% of 250
Find the value of K?
40% of 75 + 80% of 25 = 250 का K%
K का मान ज्ञात कीजिये?
Answer B.
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Answer B.