40% of 75 + 80% of 25 = K% of 250
Find the value of K?
40% of 75 + 80% of 25 = 250 का K%
K का मान ज्ञात कीजिये?
Answer B.
B.40% of 75 + 80% of 25 = K% of 250
75*40/100 + 25*80/100 = 250*k/100
30+20 = 5k/2
50*2 = 5k
K = 100/5
K = 20
So the correct answer is option B.
B.75 का 40% + 25 का 80% = 250 का K%
75*40/100 + 25*80/100 = 250*k/100
30+20 = 5k/2
50*2 = 5k
K = 100/5
K = 20
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प B है।
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