The difference between a number and its two-fifth is 510. What is 10% of that number?
एक संख्या और उसके 2/5 के बीच का अंतर 510 है। उस संख्या का 10% क्या है?
Answer B.
B.Let the number = x
two-fifth of the number = x*(2/5)
According to the question -
x-(2/5)x = 510
= 3x/5 =510
= x =[510 * ( 5/3)]
= x = 850
So the number is 850.
Now 10% of the number -
= 10 % 0f 850
= 85
Hence the correct answer is option B.
B.माना संख्या = x
संख्या का 2/5 = x*(2/5)
प्रश्न के अनुसार -
x-(2/5)x = 510
= 3x/5 =510
= x =[510 * ( 5/3)]
= x = 850
अतः संख्या 850 है l
संख्या का 10% -
= 850 का 10 %
= 85
अतः सही उत्तर विकल्प B है।
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