In a certain code language, "BIOLOGY" is written as "YRLOLTB". How is "PHYSICS" written in that code language?
एक निश्चित कोड भाषा में, "BIOLOGY" को "YRLOLTB" लिखा जाता है। उस कोड भाषा में "PHYSICS" कैसे लिखा जाता है?
Answer B.
B.B = Y
I = R
O = L
L = O
O = L
G = T
Y = B
In the given code all the letter are opposite to each other so -
P = K
H =S
Y = B
S = H
I = R
C = X
S = H
So the correct answer is option B.
B.B = Y
I = R
O = L
L = O
O = L
G = T
Y = B
दिए गये कोड में सभी अक्षर एक दूसरे के विपरीत है अतः -
P = K
H =S
Y = B
S = H
I = R
C = X
S = H
इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प B है l
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